
Update, #04

Hi everyones,

I have give new web link of what I use for now in the "Update, 02".

I am making my rig for my girls, I do not use the Khalibloo Panel.
Converting the morphs to shape keys was easy to do.
I also try Blender animation timeline, but it is a big tool to understant.
It have many options for animation in Blender. So I have to learn those
animations tools better before I finish the rig, in case I miss something
that could be need in the rig for animation.

I have re-test Blender cloth simulator and it is working very good, I have a
better control with it that I have before with Poser dynamic dress, and it is
faster. I also take a try to dynamic hair, I need to work a little more on the
learning of dynamic hair, but for what I have tested it look very promising
for the future.

So for this week I am learing the animations tools, before I finish that rig.
All this will take me a little more learning time that I was thinking to do, but
in the end, I will master Blender.

Thank's for watching my blog updates.


This is the tuto I was looking for: http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/02/07/creating_fk_ik_rig/
To be continued...


Update, #03

Hi everyone,

I got all the bones working right in Blender, I have finish 75% of the face morphs.
Still have the arms and legs also the torso morphs to made.

Here a shape keys face morphs test.
Here some new preview render test.
All dress is dynamic, I use Blender cloth simulator.

Here I test the V-Ray Cycles options,
and the depth of field options.
I also fix her bump map and add a light specura map.
Still have something on here nose that I have to fix.
Her hair is fix.

Gosha Test
Now I have to finish all the missing morphs that I need on her.
Like arms, legs, torso...
She will be fully animated in Blender, so I will only need to import a scene to use as a backgroud like I did in the test render here.
Oh! I will have to do the same thing at her friends, like the Godlins or Gosha maybe.
So that all the figures will be fully animated in Blender, more I work with Blender more new tools options I find in it, it give me so many more story possibility and with a better control of all in it.
The long part is to fix all bones rotations and locations when they are import with Collada they have some that are mess up, but when it is done for a model we could copy/pass that bones armature set to others figures if they have the same vertex names. Like here I use Genesis 2 female, so this armature will not be good to use on Genesis 1 or V4, I will have to do all this  for each different armatures figures.

Oh! take a little look at this video, you could see some of the features possibility of Blender movies.

Name: Blender Demo Reel 2013

Web link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XZGulDxz9o



Update, #02

Hi everyone,

It go well for now got geo-grafted working with Blender, also test a good addon exporter script to Blender. I work very good for exporting a full scene and we could save and reload the nodes.

Here some previews:

 Here is a little tuto on how the script work:
Here the web link to get the mcjteleblender3 script addon for Daz3d:
Here the web link for a little tutoral:
Here the web link to get the mcjteleblender2 script addon for Poser, I did not try it:
Here the web link to get Khalibloo Panel, tools that could help for rigging in Blender:


Update, #01

Hi everyones,

I have to stop the huntsman chronicle for now, I have to many poses issues to still do it all with Poser and Octane.

So I am moving all what is need to finish it with Blender, I have more tools and better simulator in Blender. It will be render with Cycles that is nearly the same as Octane.

I have the girl model done in Blender, she is all rig and texture. I just have to remake all the morphs that will be need also some new morph surprise for you to come. ;)

Here some render test and preview of her, oh the hair still little work need around the ears.
The eyes take me some time to set the textures on them. She will need a name now.

Happy new year,